Le Havre A Honfleur. A collection of stills from our time in Le Havre and Honfleur, France. Once you choose the best travel options for your bus from Le Havre to Honfleur, virail will redirect you automatically to the provider's website for the purchase.
It is located on the southern bank of the estuary of the Seine across from le Havre and very close to the exit of the Pont de Normandie. It is still active as a fishing port and marina. Bus from Le Havre to Honfleur: all times, prices and cheap tickets for all cities online.
A collection of stills from our time in Le Havre and Honfleur, France.
Bus Honfleur ↔ Le Havre: price & duration.
Detailed information for Port of LE HAVRE, FR LEH. We are sorry, but there isn't any bus line available at this moment. He will bring you to the designated place, so you won't have to get there on foot from the public transport stop.