Le Havre 4 K. The port of Le Havre is the second largest commercial port in France after Marseilles. Le Havre, Calais and other port cities along the coast of Normandy are stepping stones to Britain for refugees.
The Finnish director Aki Kaurismäki has come to France for his latest film, making explicit his indebtedness to figures like Tati and Vigo.
Les données sur la météo: température, pluie/neige, vent, humidité, pression,. pour Le Havre.
This group contains pictures taken in Le Havre, Normandy and its outskirt or pictures related to the town. connaissez-vous ce joli blog sur notre ville ? lehavre.canalblog.com/ heloise. In terms of cargo handling, it is the tenth-largest port in Europe. When an African boy arrives by cargo ship in the port city of Le Havre, an aging shoe shiner takes pity on the child and welcomes him into his home.